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AI generated smart contract interface to avoid take down UI attacks
ai design font
animify xiyouji
topic: how to damakufy english? or other langs?
Haptic digital torque Knob
- Making the hap
- approach 1: play a continuous hap and play transient hap on top of it
- Test suitable haptic here
- approach 2: play a coutinuous hap(or looping hap) and adjust its parameters with “Dynamic Parameters to Change the Pattern During Playback”
- approach 2.1: adjust parameters with curve
- may have to combine all 3 approaches
- Apple watch version
- Modes
- Free
- Smallest hap when turning
- 1:1 turning ratio
- No detent
- 1:1 or 1:2 originally
- When over 360 deg the hap spikes, the turning ratio go down dramatically
- Release, knob return to 360 - 20, with hap become light
- 0-1 switch
- max turning ratio and max haptic when approaching mid point
- when pass mid point, one transient hap, knob to go destination with light hap
- at begin 30:180 mid point 30:30
- 100 step
- light hap when turning
- 360/100 pass, transient hap
- 1:1
- Making the knob