

I'm Xikai Liu, a software engineer on TikTok's Multimedia Arch team. I recently graduated from Northeastern University with a master's in Computer Software Engineering. My experience includes internships at Intuit and work at Meituan. Prior to my master's, I earned a bachelor's in Software Engineering from Central South University. I've also co-founded a startup exploring blockchain and web3 technology.
I'm passionate about exploring how technology can inspire and enhance convenience through my work and personal projects. My efforts have been recognized by various organizations: my achievements include an Excellent New Employee Award from TikTok, winning the Apple WWDC Swift Student Challenge twice, securing the top place in the UC Berkeley AI Hackathon, and earning 2nd prize in the China Collegiate Computing Contest.
Currently, I'm personally exploring ML/AI applications and VR/MR development, while my professional focus is on full-stack development.


Email: realxikai@gmail.com
Phone: +1 6693698894


Media report on my WWDC experience: https://www.sohu.com/a/774260522_404443

fun fact

  • I participated in FLL during high school, and that’s when I started to code